MÁV-Start bicycle coach models have just arrived at the store in TT scale. Three passenger coaches are rebuilt from the ex Ds cars, the new serial number is 84-44, and they belong to the Bd series. They are only available in our collection, as these are not only repaints of existing models, it is not expected, that they will be available as a factory issue. As they have the current Ep. VI. livery with the arches, they pass perfectly to our B series MÁV-Start coaches, as they run in Hungary nowadays.

The original cars were modified, there is a normal 8 seated cabin, on one end, and the rest of the coach accommodates bikes, the car, however, was modified thoroughly. The car was originally a luggage van, but as time passed, the demand for transporting (bikes as) luggage lowered, and demand for travelling with bicycles grew, so these vehicles were modified into bicycle cars.
Making of the models:
The passenger cars received realistic paintwork and pin-sharp, tampered lettering. The bicycle car was modified appropriately both inside and out, it was equipped with photo etched bars, handrails and doorsteps, and it also got a realistic paintwork.
There are only 12 limited pieces built, and available from our store, until stock lasts.