The track maintenance set contains a closed workshop and a tank wagon. The tank was supplied with 4 additional cabinets and boxes according to the originals. We have modified the barrier and the car have an additional ladder in accordance with the original. Along with the workshop car, they form a Ep. V-VI. set, both models are very realistic, they have tampon prints on each side.
Item no.: 236001
Scale: 1:87 (H0)
Railway company: MÁV
Type: Yp and Ypl
Running no.: 44 55 979 8632-6 and 44 55 941 9003-2
Era: V-VI.
Colour: green
LoB: 103 and 114 mm
20 numbered pieces are available of this set (1 tank and 1 workshop wagons with the same serial number).