Kárpát Vasút’s no. 459022 Nohab engine as seen during the 2015-2017 period, with original colours and tampered labels. The stated price covers the modification costs of 1 H0 sized engine. The Roco branded model needed for the modification is supplied by the customer.
Item no.: 216005
Scale: 1:87 (H0)
Railway company: Kárpát Vasút Kft.
Type: 459 (Nohab)
Running no.: 92 55 0 459 022-3
Era: VI
Colour: claret-black
LoB: 218 mm
Precise technical details of the modification:
- Forming the step slots on the body
- Building the imitation of red lights
- Removal of handrails
- Formation of new handrails on the edge of the roof, on the front of the engine and above the lights
- Painting the body
- Preparation of the tampographed labels
- Installation of etched mirrors
- Installation of 3D printed horns