Our newest Szergej is the model bearing the M62-011 running number. It’s outlook is a temporary paint scheme from the IV. era, which was not widespread on the M62s.

The temporary scheme appeared on the Szergejs before the now common blood orange-yellow scheme. The M62-011 was the first one to get the new paintwork. The scheme was in use only for a limited time, and even then, only a few of the vehicles had the MÁV logo on the side of their body. The small running number implies an early model, therefore there are no ribs on the side of it’s cabin.

Process of the modification:
The base of the Szergej is a Gützold or Roco branded H0 engine. First of all we had to remove the ribs from the sides of the cab, then came the painting and the application of the pin-sharp tampered labels.