The M62 Szergej engines have arrived, in early, claret colour, with a “moustache” pattern, in H0 size. The engine that is sometimes called “big steel from Luhansk” is available in two designs: with the M62-082 running number and “moustached”, claret coloured paintwork, and with the M62-013 running number wearing a simple, claret coloured paintwork.

The engine was developed for MÁV by the Voroshilovgrad Locomotive Works. Though the M62 series were purchased for the purpose of towing freight trains, they were also used for towing heavy passenger trains from the very beginning. Since then MÁV gave up on most of the Szergejs, the fleet has shrunk to the quarter of it’s original size. Even so one can still find them on the tracks nowadays.

Making of the model:
Our model is based on a Gützold or Roco branded H0 scaled M62 Szergej. But our two models don’t only differ in colours and labels. The one with running number M62-013 is an early model, so we have to remove the ribs from it’s cabin early in the making. After that, both engines get painted and label accordingly.