Our newest four-axle tank cars have arrived, this time not in the usual brown, but in blue colour. The blue MÁV Zaekks cars come with two running numbers, with realistic paintwork and tampered labels patterning the original vehicle.

This car is of the Zaekks type, therefore it has a brake platform. While making the model, we paid extra attention to the genuine paintwork, this is especially true to the bogies and the plates on the side of the car, because they differ in colour from the rest of the vehicle. By the way, black coloured bogies last appeared on brown tank cars from era IV. The lettering is authentic, entirely matching the original vehicles. The cars’ available running numbers are 33 55 794 4147-8 and 33 55 794 4144-5.

Steps of the modification of the blue MÁV Zaekks tank car:
The H0 sized Piko base model is the copy of a Zaekks tank car, so the modification consisted of painting and labeling the vehicle.